Exercise progression means tweaking an exercise a bit to make it more challenging. By progressing your exercise, you will continue to see improvements in your body and in your fitness. Alison demonstrates a progression on many of the exercises that you can try if needed, or you can work your way into the progressions. As you challenge your body in a good way, remember to practice good form and listen to your body as needed. When you are no longer challenged with Progressions 1 Gentle, try moving on to Progressions 1 Intermediate. The meditation will have you contemplating to Be not Afraid: Trust in God.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Stress, hunching over a smartphone, sitting at a desk, and sitting in front of the TV can all be reasons someone may have issues in their neck, upper back, and shoulders. Having a consistent routine of stretching and strengthening those areas may help. Join Fiona as she leads you through a gentle routine that will leave you feeling relaxed and loose. The meditation will have you contemplating prayer in times of great suffering.
Jocelyne Degroot, Pietra Fitness Instructor

Strong, flexible muscles are the best way to keep knees healthy and prevent injury. Join Fiona as she leads you through a series of exercises that will stretch and strengthen your legs, glutes, and hips. The meditation will have you contemplating purification through suffering.
Jocelyn Degroot, Pietra Fitness Instructor

Stretching keeps the muscles flexible and healthy. This is so needed in order to maintain a range of motion in the joints. If you only strengthen the muscles, they will shorten and become tight, which if not stretched out, can put you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage. Jhoe takes you through a class that stretches the entire body while relaxing and refreshing the nervous system. She does throw in a curve ball with doing the splits, but she gives you a different option if you do not want to do splits. The meditation will have you contemplating Mary and the Annunciation.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, The Annunciation. April 8, 2024. Used with permission
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class is all about circles – circling the legs and arms, working the joints while still hitting all major muscle groups. The meditation will have you contemplating Psalm 62.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichabbey.com)

Join Robin as she takes you through a relaxing class that will gently open and release tension in the hips with lots of Knee Hugs! In only 40 minutes, you will feel refreshed and ready to take on the day! The meditation will have you contemplating silence.
Holy Family School of Faith Daily Rosary, Divine Mercy Day 8, April 22, 2022. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class is all about building core strength and improving functional fitness of the abdominals, sides, and back. In 41 action packed minutes, Jhoe takes you through a warm up, 4 sets of integrated exercises that will work your entire body, and a relaxing winddown that will leave you feeling amazing! Some props are used, but not necessary. The meditation will have you contemplating Psalm 46.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichabbey.com)

From the time you get out of bed in the morning until you get back for the night, there isn’t a minute you are not using your core. It’s important to build core strength for better ease in everyday movement. Join Jill for this gentle, joyful workout with creative core exercises that work your entire body. The meditation will have you contemplating Psalm 61.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Your lower body is your foundation and the base for critical daily movements like walking, climbing stairs, and balancing. Everyone needs a stable foundation, regardless of age or fitness level. This class will improve all aspects of daily living – increase flexibility, balance, range of motion, and mobility, calm the nervous system, and nourish the soul. The meditation will have you contemplating “Seeing with the Eyes of Faith.”
Fr. Ben O’Cinnsealaigh, Our Lady of Victory Parish Bulletin, July 9, 2023. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class incorporates gentle movements yet Robin hits all major muscle groups and joints. You will come away feeling stronger yet relaxed. The meditation will have you contemplating Psalm 86 as a prayer.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Check out this gentle, low impact glutes and legs workout that is great for beginners. Robin uses a chair for balance, but you can use a wall or nothing at all. Blocks are optional.

Strengthen your arms and shoulders without any extra props or weights with this short, body weight class. Body weight exercises boost your fitness, metabolism and endurance.

Develop strength, flexibility, and balance in this 39 minute gentle class as you focus on the beauty of praying with Psalm 13.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Develop strength, flexibility, and balance as well as shoulder, core, and pelvic stability in this 34 minute gentle class. The meditation will have you contemplating praying with Psalm 121.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Develop strength, flexibility, and balance in this 31 minute gentle class as you focus on the beauty of praying with the Psalms.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me, and Holy Family School of Faith, https://www.schooloffaith.com/
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This short, gentle core workout can help even the beginner build the core fitness that is necessary for everyday movement. No need for equipment besides your mat! These exercises are designed to strengthen core muscles as well as increase flexibility.

Are you ready to have some fun? Join Jhoe for this Gentle Cardio class that offers modified, low-impact moves while at the same time having fun. Jhoe also gives you the option to step it up as you get stronger cardiovascularly. Bring some water and a towel and let’s get started!

If you want a relaxed stretch, then Foam Roller Chest and Shoulder Stretch is for you. Unwind from a long day at the desk or spending time behind the wheel. We will use the roller in a new way. Instead of rolling along the muscles, we will use it to lay on, and take advantage of this tranquil way to stretch the chest and shoulders. You will need a longer roller so that you can have your head and tailbone both on the roller.

We can all benefit from strong arms and wrists. It helps in lifting, carrying, and everyday movement. This class is packed full of wrist and arm stretches as well as exercises to strengthen using your own body weight. Don’t worry, all major muscle groups are hit for a wonderful, well-rounded gentle workout. The meditation will have you contemplating suffering in reparation for sin with Sts. Monica and Augustine as your guides.
Jocelyne DeGroot, Foundation 1 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Tight hips are extremely common these days, which can contribute to issues throughout the body, like low back pain and knee issues. This class will take you through a series of Lunges and hip stretches that will help you to feel agile and light on your feet. The meditation will have you thinking about redemptive suffering with St. Teresa of Kolkata as your coach.
Jocelyne DeGroot, Foundation 1 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

There can be many causes of lower back pain, but very often, it is the result of our lifestyles. Have no fear! Incorporating certain exercises into your routine can help improve symptoms, lessen pain, and counterbalance a sedentary style of living. Fiona will help you stretch and strengthen the muscles that support the spine, resulting in better posture and movement. The meditation will have you contemplating union with Christ in suffering, with St. John Vianny as your mentor.
Jocelyne DeGroot, Foundation 1 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A strong core is at the center of building and toning muscle all over your body which in turn helps you to move and feel great! This class was designed to strengthen the core muscles while improving posture. The meditation will have you contemplating Comfort in the midst of suffering with St. Paul as your guide.
Jocelyne DeGroot, Foundation 1 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This class was carefully designed to help you engage multiple muscle groups so that you can not only safely move with ease but also to help you trim the midsection. Join Amanda as she takes you through donkey kicks, fire hydrants, twists, flows, bicycles, leg lifts, and more. The meditation will have you pondering St. John the Baptist as prophet and hero.
Fr. Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh, Pastor Mary, Queen of all Saints, Bulletin December 4, 2022. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Contemplate how you can live your life more closely ordered to what is truly a priority as you gently move your body and work every major muscle group. After warming up, you will work through a Low Lunge series, Arching and Rounding, Kneeling Balance, Seated stretches, and more before winding down in prayer.
Leah Joy Taylor, Inner Resources for Leaders, Psalm 90: The Search for Significance, https://www.regent.edu/journal/inner-resources-for-leaders/psalm-90-search-for-significance/
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Reflect on the “Big Picture” of what’s most important in your heart, your life, and your home, all from an eternal perspective as you gently move your body and work every major muscle group. Jhoe will move you through Forearm Chest Lifts, Supermans, abdominal work, and more before you wind down in prayer.
Holy Family School of Faith, Treasure in Heaven, September 19, 2021. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

God called us to be His own, not because of anything we do, but because of who we are: His beloved, His pearl of great price. God calls each one by name. You will have time to contemplate the fact that you are sacred and have been endowed with a particular mission that only you can fulfill as you gently strengthen your body, mind, and soul. Lori works the whole body but focuses on strengthening and stabilizing the muscles used to help maintain good posture.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2158 – 2159. Pope Francis, Gaudete Et Exsultate, On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World, 13
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This is a gentle class either seated in a chair or standing, using the chair for balance, and is suitable for all trimesters. Even though this class is gentle, it is still important to always listen to your own body. Nila gives modifications but if anything does not feel good or right to you, leave it out. Feel free to take a break whenever you need to and return when you are ready. If this is your first time doing a prenatal video, make sure you check out the Foundational prenatal videos with Dr. Jillian Stecklein that has great info needed for these classes. The meditation will have you contemplating being co-creators with God. So, grab a chair and have water handy and let’s get started!
Clare Schiller, Foundation 3 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The beautiful, calming music during class is by Francesca La Rosa, and the amazing Gregorian Chant is by Donna Stewart and Ron Andrico of Mignarda.

Stretching the hips for pregnant mamas is a must because it helps you to relax and alleviate tension, eases hip and possibly even back pain, and helps you prepare for labor. This class is suitable for all trimesters, but it is important to always listen to your own body. Josette gives modifications but if anything does not feel good or right to you, let it go. The meditation will have you contemplating consenting to reality. If this is your first time doing a prenatal video, make sure you check out the Foundational prenatal videos to learn how to find and work the pelvic floor, bracing the core for pregnancy, and other great info for pregnant women. Grab a chair, a couple of pillows, water, a block, and any other props you would like for support.
Clare Schiller, Foundation 3 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The beautiful, calming music during class is by Francesca La Rosa, and the amazing Gregorian Chant is by Donna Stewart and Ron Andrico of Mignarda.

This is a gentle class that works the whole body and is suitable for all trimesters. Before starting any kind of exercise when expecting, always check with your doctor for clearance. There are so many changes going on in your body right now, and everyone is different, so please listen to your own body and only do what feels right for you. Check out the Foundational prenatal videos to learn more about the changes going on in your body in each trimester and other great info that will help you get more from these exercises to prepare you for childbirth. The prayers and meditations will have you contemplating relying on God’s strength. Have a chair or wall nearby, a couple of pillows and some water, and let’s begin!
Clare Schiller, Foundation 3 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The beautiful, calming music during class is by Francesca La Rosa, and the amazing Gregorian Chant is by Donna Stewart and Ron Andrico of Mignarda.

Take care of yourself by having a day of recovery and restoration between your workouts with a class that gently stretches and strengthens the body. This class was designed to revitalize the nervous system, ease pain, and restore joint and muscle movement. The slower mellow pace makes it conducive to contemplate with Our Blessed Mother, the mysteries of light.
St. Pope John Paul II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Watch “Back Resistance Introduction” before doing one of the back resistance classes for the first time. As you become comfortable with it, you can try “Back Resistance Intermediate. You can always modify the class by adding more weight or decreasing the weight you use. You will need a barbell, body bar, or hand weights.

We are always bending forward or twisting in everyday life, but rarely do we side bend unless we are in a Pietra Fitness class! Side bends lengthen the trunk muscles, as well as hips, and thigh muscles, while keeping the spine supple. Side bends are also known to help you breathe more deeply. For all these reasons, you are going to want to do this class! Jill uses a block, but feel free to use a book, bolster, pillow, or nothing at all. The prayers and meditation will have you contemplating gratitude.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

The busyness of life is a distraction from what really matters. Slower moving gentle Pietra Fitness classes can help us to focus on the profound reality of God’s love for us and His presence in our daily lives. Join Jessica in this restorative class that moves at a pace that leaves room for grace! The Scripture and meditation will have you contemplating the feminine gift of hospitality.
Excerpt from Manual for Women, Danielle Bean (TAN). Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A gentle class for women with modifications for prenatal mamas – suitable for all stages of pregnancy. If you are pregnant, please check with your doctor before doing this class, and only do what feels right for you. Have one or two pillows handy, and a chair or wall for balance. The meditations and Scripture will have you contemplating Motherhood: the Feminine Gift of Receptivity - physically as well as spiritually.
Excerpt from Manual for Women, Danielle Bean (TAN). Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This 20-minute hip mobility and strength class can impact how you move throughout your day. Jill uses a block, but feel free to use a book or nothing at all. If you suffer from tight, weak hips, join us for Hip Fit and get back to doing the things you love. The prayers and meditation will have you focusing on how daily meditation helps us to say “yes” to God.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for May 5, 2022, Letting Jesus Say ‘Yes” Through Us. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Everyone wants to have toned, shapely shoulders and upper back for summer, right? Look no further! Jill doesn’t use weights for this gentle class, but you can make it an intermediate one with the addition of light weights. She suggests 1 lb to start and no more than 3-5 lbs because of the work on the small muscles around the shoulders. The meditation focuses on beginning again when you fall.
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary Podcast, I’ve Fallen and Can Get up, 2022.Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

There is a saying, “it is not how hard you train, but how well you recover.” Recovery days don’t have to be spent vegging in front of the TV but can be used to promote restoration and repair. Join this restorative class that encourages muscle repair and relaxation. You will have given your body time to replenish, and Jhoe will help you find muscles you didn’t know you had! She uses blocks and a strap but you can use books and a towel, or nothing at all. The calming music will help you to focus on St. Joseph and your intentions for the last day of the novena.
Pope John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Are you feeling stress or anxious and looking for a way to relax? Or do you just want to unwind? Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. It is a gift from God, and it is free! Join Jill for an 11-minute video that will have you at ease and calm in no time! No need for music here, the sound of the waves are great for activating your parasympathetic nervous system helping you to breathe easy.

Are you ready to dance, kick, and step? We are! Rachel will lead you in a 30 second work/20 second walk or jog. You will have fun as you do right and left rockstep, shuffle side zig zag, grapevine (woohoo!), heel taps plus front kick, and much more to get your heart rate up. Won’t you join us?

Are you ready to get your heart rate up and gain some strength in this Beginner Cardio class? There will be 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of walk or job. In the workout, you will have wall mountain climbers, ski/skater jumps, jump rope, squat crunches, and a 30 second speedbag, with a fun little 10 second surprise at the end!

This is a great beginner Total Body workout, using 30 seconds right – 30 seconds L with a cardio interval bursts throughout the workout! The combination of Curls to Press, Fire Hydrants, Hands and Knees Back Kicks, Jogging, Rows, Pushups, Reverse lunges, and Kneeling Balance Crunch with a 30 second Jump rope burn out at the end, will surely help you sweat out the stress and toxins!

Join us in this Beginner, 22-minute Total Body Workout. You will be doing 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of walking or resting. Exercises Include: Pushups, Squats, Bicep curls, Arabesque, and Rows. You will leave this class feeling amazing and strong!

Even the simplest every day movements require leg strength. Incorporating this quick 10-minute leg workout will help you to achieve that! Rachel will work all the major muscle groups of the legs with squats, fire hydrants, leg pulses, inner thigh leg lifts, and more.

If you want to build strength, working your core is essential! Join Rachel for this 10-minute core workout that works not only your abs, but all of the muscles in the trunk. Exercises include Hands and Knees with Leg Lifts, Side Balance lift, Kneeling Balance, and more. Ready to get started?

Your spine is built for mobility and movement, but long hours of sitting or maybe working out without stretching can cause our muscles and connective tissue to get tight. The risk for injury and pain increases the tighter we become. Spinal Agility to the rescue! Jhoe will move you through exercises that will help your spine stay agile from the neck and upper shoulders to the low back. Doing this class often will help you to stay flexible and move comfortably. The meditation focuses on Our Lord as our secure dwelling place.
Clare Schiller, Foundation 3 Pietra Fitness Instructor
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A great cardio workout for beginners that will help you to get your heart rate up with low impact options. This class uses traditional kickboxing punches and kicks for a fun workout. No equipment is needed for this class.

Join Rachel for this beginner total body workout that includes squats, Hands & knees with Leg lifts, bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, fire hydrants, and more. Have fun and forget you are even working out! Light weights are used, but feel free to use cans, water bottles, or nothing at all!

After the Warmup that includes lat pulls with knee lifts, Arch & Rounds, and Kneeling Balance, Rachel will work you out with cardio cross punches, lunges, cardio front kicks, chest presses, Half Backbends, squats, and more. Light weights are used, but feel free to use cans, water bottles, or nothing at all!

The exercises in this class are used to align, strengthen, and promote flexility in the body. The body’s range of motion is worked by working the spine in all planes of movement as well as hip ROM, balance work, and more. You will leave the class felling more at peace and refreshed. The meditation focuses on The Kingdom of God.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for January 13, 2022, The Kingdom of God. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

It’s not easy to find rest in this busy time of year, but it is so needed. Take some time to unwind and rest in the Lord in this 35 minute Gentle class. Jill will take you through a series of exercises that are meant to stretch and release tension in those hard to reach places. The meditation will have you focusing on God’s Love. What a perfect combination!
Holy Family School of Faith, 30 Days to Deeper Prayer, Advent Volume, Day 23. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This 10-minute class uses light weights for your arms and shoulders (suggestions: 0 - 5 lbs). You can start with no weights and work up, or even incorporate heavier weights if you have been doing resistance training for a while. Betsy stretches with you at the end, but try adding a Pietra Fitness class in to recover well. Once you feel comfortable with this class, try the intermediate class.

This class will move your whole body through a series of exercises that will have you standing, sitting, lying on your stomach, and lying on your back, all while moving gently, intentionally, and calmly. This allows you to work out while still being able to focus on the meditation on love. You will leave feeling relaxed and totally loved by God!
Fr. Ben O’Cinnsealaigh, Pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Cincinnati, OH, for the week of October 31, 2021. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

This class is all about taking the time to care for your joints so that you move better, as well as helping the lymphatic system flow efficiently. Did you know that lymph fluid relies on you to move so that it can do its job of removing waste from the body? What are you waiting for? Press “start” to promote better movement and feel great! The meditation will have you thinking about how the world sees you.
Fr. Ben O’Cinnsealaigh, Pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Cincinnati, OH, Inspiration for the week of July 12, 2021

The classes in this series are designed to help your body release tension and restore balance in the nervous system. Different props are used to further allow the body to relax and unwind. This combination supports healing and recovery in the body as you pray with the Psalms, surrendering it all to the Divine Physician. Not only can it be helpful for those experiencing stress and anxiety, but also for those with adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia (of course, always check with your doctor first). Start with Release, Restore & Recover #1, and work your way through the videos as you feel you are able. To learn more about Christian meditation, check out our 3-series blog, Christian Meditation: A Basic Guide.
Psalm 30
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

The classes in this series are designed to help your body release tension and restore balance in the nervous system. Different props are used to further allow the body to relax and unwind. This combination supports healing and recovery in the body as you pray with the Psalms, surrendering it all to the Divine Physician. Not only can it be helpful for those experiencing stress and anxiety, but also for those with adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia (of course, always check with your doctor first). Start with Release, Restore & Recover #1, and work your way through the videos as you feel you are able. To learn more about Christian meditation, check out our 3-series blog, Christian Meditation: A Basic Guide.
Psalm 71
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

The classes in this series are designed to help your body release tension and restore balance in the nervous system. Different props are used to further allow the body to relax and unwind. This combination supports healing and recovery in the body as you pray with the Psalms, surrendering it all to the Divine Physician. Not only can it be helpful for those experiencing stress and anxiety, but also for those with adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia (of course, always check with your doctor first). Start with Release, Restore & Recover #1, and work your way through the videos as you feel you are able. To learn more about Christian meditation, check out our 3-series blog, Christian Meditation: A Basic Guide.
Psalm 147
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

The classes in this series are designed to help your body release tension and restore balance in the nervous system. Different props are used to further allow the body to relax and unwind. This combination supports healing and recovery in the body as you pray with the Psalms, surrendering it all to the Divine Physician. Not only can it be helpful for those experiencing stress and anxiety, but also for those with adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia (of course, always check with your doctor first). Start with Release, Restore & Recover #1, and work your way through the videos as you feel you are able. To learn more about Christian meditation, check out our 3-series blog, Christian Meditation: A Basic Guide.
Psalm 80
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

The classes in this series are designed to help your body release tension and restore balance in the nervous system. Different props are used to further allow the body to relax and unwind. This combination supports healing and recovery in the body as you pray with the Psalms, surrendering it all to the Divine Physician. Not only can it be helpful for those experiencing stress and anxiety, but also for those with adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia (of course, always check with your doctor first). Start with Release, Restore & Recover #1, and work your way through the videos as you feel you are able. To learn more about Christian meditation, check out our 3-series blog, Christian Meditation: A Basic Guide.
Psalm 51

Functional movement is a term to describe exercises that help you perform everyday activities more easily. Join Jill in this 37 minute class as she works on multiple muscles groups in the lower body to be able to transition from the floor to standing with ease. She also emphasizes core strength and stability. Great for beginners but also some of the movements in the workout gets into more of an intermediate class. Just do what you can and enjoy! The meditation will have you focusing on the virtue of temperance to resist distractions.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for July20, 2021, Temperance as Distraction from the goal. Used with permission.

Are you looking for a relaxing stretch with a focus on the core? Then Gentle Core is for you. Join Betsy as she takes you through a series of simple stretches interspersed with core work and cues to engage the core even as you stretch. The prayers and Scripture will have you reflecting on the personal love of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

A mix of dynamic core stabilizing exercises using planks, squats, standing side crunches, and Pike pushups with shoulder taps. A light weight is optional. Good for the beginner to intermediate.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This gentle, full body, low impact class promotes increased mobility, flexibility, and relaxation. The class, along with the peaceful music will leave you feeling balanced, soothed, at peace while the prayers focus on the journey from vocal prayer to Christian meditation.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for March 6, 2021, The National Park of the Soul. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

If you would like to improve your health and fitness while relaxing your mind and body to combat stress, Live from Home: Dual Benefits is the class for you. This 25 min. slower-paced class will not only work all of your major muscle groups, but it will also help to calm your nervous system, all while reflecting on prayer and daily meditation.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for March 6, 2021, The National Park of the Soul. Used with permission. Apostles of the Interior Life. www.apostlesofil.org
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This gentle spine mobility class is perfect for those who would like a restful start to your day or if you would like a low impact routine that prepares your spine to get going for whatever activities you have planned. The meditation will help you to focus on St. Joseph.
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary podcast, St. Joseph’s Place, March 4, 2021.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Live! from Home: Habit Forming is a 32-minute gentle class that is all on the mat (no standing postures). The stringed instrumental music will help you ease into the class as you begin deep breathing in the supine position. As you consider the blessings you are grateful for today, Betsy will help you remember the blessing of God’s love for you right where you are today. After warming up through various stretches in cross-legged seated position and hands and knees position, you will move into the gentle workout. You will strengthen your back muscles through an ab balance with scissors, your quads and abdominals with a kneeling quad exercise, and your thighs in low lunge. You will stretch your thighs, groins, and psoas as well as the surrounding connective tissue as you stay in hip-release for the long-hold. The Scripture and meditation today will encourage you to practice daily meditative prayer, even if you don’t feel that you have great inspirations--the simple act of spending time with God is worthwhile--your friendship with God will grow, and God will do His work in you, sometimes without your noticing.
Holy Family School of Faith, Rosary Meditation for December 17, 2020, I Feel Like I am not Praying Right. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Increase the strength in your arms and back with Live for Advent: Armed for Life. The strengthening exercises used in the class will help you improve your ability to lift heavier objects while working on the mobility of your shoulder and elbow joints. To improve how your arms look—and, more importantly, how they work, join Betsy for this gentle arm workout. You will need a set of light hand weights, but feel free to use something around the house like food cans. You can still get a workout if you do not use weights. The meditation will help you better prepare for Christmas by contemplating Joy as we await our Lord's birth!
Pope Francis, An Invitation to Joy, Noonday Angelus, December 13, 2020.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Are you ready to lengthen and strengthen your leg muscles? In this Gentle class, you will begin on your back for deep breathing, shifting your body from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system (the part of the autonomic nervous system that allows your body to rest, digest, and heal.) After warming up through neck stretches, cross-legged seated forward folds, twists, low lunge, and pike pose, you will move into the workout portion of class, which is focused on the legs. Your legs will be both stretched and strengthened as you follow Betsy’s lead through squats, pike, swan dives, high lunges, and seated forward folds. As you relax into an easy hip release for your long hold, you will hear a meditation encouraging you to contemplate Christ’s meekness and to consider how you can imitate Him. The instrumental music for this class has a holiday feel; the music for the quiet pose is a piece of Gregorian chant that helps you end the class in a peaceful conversation with God.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

In this 34-minute, Gentle class, Betsy will help you learn how to engage your pelvic floor and strengthen it through a variety of different exercises. Your pelvic floor, the muscle between your pubic bone and sacrum, acts as a hammock to hold everything up. Your hammock may be stretched out through bearing down, pregnancy, and/or childbirth--and it likely needs a bit of strengthening. (One tell-tale sign of a weak pelvic floor is urine leakage from laughing, sneezing or coughing.) “Restore Your Pelvic Floor” begins on your back for deep breathing and gratefulness, followed by pelvic floor contractions as you move through leg extensions and half backbends. You will continue to strengthen your pelvic floor in hands and knees position and pike pose. After seated forward folds, twists, and modified side planks, you will relax into a reclined inner thigh stretch for the long hold and meditation. The prayers and meditation will encourage you to consider how you can love Jesus this Advent.
Holy Family School of Faith daily Rosary, Advent. November 27, 2020. Used with permission.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

This 41-minute, Gentle class is perfect for those looking for a slower-paced, relaxing to refocus, both physically and spiritually. Physically, you will have the time to really tune in to your body as you stretch and strengthen your muscles, enabling you to receive the feedback you need from your body to fine-tune your postures and make every pose more effective. Spiritually, this class reminds us to focus on living in the present moment--the place where time meets eternity and we can be with God. All of the exercises are on the mat, either supine, prone, or hands and knees (with a couple of Pike poses that can be modified if need be). You will begin on your back to practice deep breathing and thoughts of gratitude. During the workout portion, you will engage in a series of kneeling twists, quad strengthened, and gentle backbends...you may be surprised to find how this section strengthens your shoulders! After coming to prone for gentle chest lifts and quad stretches, you will come to a seated forward fold and then relax into a seated inner thigh stretch for your long-hold. Even though this is a Gentle class, you can still get a good workout by focusing on activating the proper muscle groups in each posture. By the end of class, you will be better prepared to live the truth proclaimed in the bodily prayer verse: “Lord, in your presence, there is fullness of joy!”
Holy Family School of Faith daily Rosary, Live in the Present Moment. November 15, 2020. Used with permission.
Music from Keys of Peace by Francesca LaRosa (www.francescalarosa.com), The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Are you ready for some “aaahhh” time? By the end of this 34-minute Gentle Level class, you will feel relaxed, refreshed, renewed, and, depending on what time of day you do it, either more poised to focus on your tasks for the day or better prepared to enter a peaceful night’s sleep. This class takes place on the mat without any standing postures or prone postures. You will begin seated for about 4 minutes of relaxing the body through deep-breathing and relaxing the mind with soothing thoughts of gratitude and God’s love for you. After warming up with safe and gentle neck stretches, side bends, and forward folds, you will come to your hands and knees for gentle core work, including leg lifts. You will strengthen your back muscles as you extend your spine while on your knees, followed by gentle twists and a shoulder stretch. When you come to a supine position, you will work multiple muscle groups as you lift and lower your hips, adding in an optional arm movement as well. As you relax into your reclined inner thigh stretch for your long hold, you will listen to the meditation on “Preparing for the Feast.” The prayers and meditation focus on God’s generous invitation to the wedding feast in Heaven and how we respond to that invitation.
Fr. Ben O’Cinnsealaigh, Pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Cincinnati, OH, for the week of Oct. 11, 2020
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Live! from Home: Gentle Core n’ More is a 34-minute class done strictly on the mat. There are no standing exercises, making it easier for those who have a hard time with more active transitions. In this class, you will perform a variety of exercises for your lower body, including the core muscles. In the warmup, you will wake up the core and obliques, as well as the hamstrings. In the Workout, you will roll on to your side for more oblique work, then to your stomach for Forearm Chest Lifts and Leg Kicks. Shift back to Rock, up to Hands and Knees for Arch & Round, Heel Sit, and then Seated Forward Fold with an added fun twist. Relax in the Long Hold in Reclined Inner Thigh Stretch. The prayers for today will focus on the fact that it is “Never too late with God”.
Fr. Ben O’Cinnsealaigh, Pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Cincinnati, OH, Fr. Ben’s Column, Sept. 27, 2020. Used with permission.
Music from Keys of Peace by Francesca LaRosa (www.francescalarosa.com), The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

We all need a strong core to protect our spine and joints from injury. We are not talking about six-pack abs here, but a genuinely healthy core that will keep your body stable as you move and exercise. Breathing is an integral part of engaging your core, and Betsy gives you ample opportunity in this 31-minute Gentle class to breathe as you work on a stable mid-section. As you practice this class regularly, you will start to see that you are training your body to activate your core muscles and will begin to see a difference in the way that you move throughout the day as well as in your Pietra Fitness classes. The meditation will help you to contemplate mercy and being merciful.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Perfect high lunge, lunge 1, lunge 2, and pike pose in this 36-minute Foundational Postures class. Just like Live! from Home: Back to Basics 1, Betsy will use cues and tips to guide you through Live! from Home: Back to Basics 2 to teach you proper form and alignment of these four fundamental Pietra Fitness postures. You will begin standing in good posture pose, focusing on your breath and thoughts of gratitude. Loosen up the muscles in your neck, arms, sides, and lower legs before flowing to pike to warm up the backside of your body. And now the real work begins . . . Strengthen your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core and challenge your balance with three different types of lunges. In between each lunge posture, feel-good stretches will bring relief to the muscles that you just worked. The more you engage your muscles in the lunges, the more relaxed you'll feel when you lie back in reclined inner thigh stretch for the long hold. The Scriptures and meditations will remind you that failure doesn't define us; the important thing is to keep trying.Whether you're new to Pietra Fitness or you've been doing Pietra Fitness for a while, you can benefit from our Foundational Postures classes. Look for more of these workouts in our online studio or join us live on Friday.
Fr. Ben O’Cinnsealaigh, Pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Cincinnati, OH, Inspiration for the week of July 12, 2020
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Start your day on the right foot with Live! from Home: New Beginnings. With slow and intentional exercises, this 39-minute workout will stretch and gently strengthen all the muscles in your body. You will begin on your back, focusing on your breath and calling to mind thoughts of gratitude. After warming up your hips and core, you will roll to seated to stretch your back and sides and to open up your chest. (These moves will feel oh so good, especially if you sit at a desk all day.) Come to hands and knees to work your shoulders, arms, core, back, glutes, and hamstrings. Heel sit will stretch your quads and the tops of your legs, and a kneeling backbend will engage your core, back, quads, and glutes. In prone, you'll work your hamstrings with leg curls and strengthen your back with an elevated chest lift and linked half backbend. Flow to seated engaged for a few forward folds before rolling back into reclined inner thigh stretch for the long hold. The Scriptures and meditations will remind you that every day is a new beginning, and they invite you to live each day as an offering to God.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)

Prepare your body, mind, and soul for the day with Live! from Home: Delight. Set to peaceful music, this 43-minute Gentle class incorporates postures and exercises that will lightly stretch and strengthen the muscles in your entire body, leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed. You will begin this workout standing in good posture pose, focusing on deep breathing and engaging all your muscles. After a few warm-up stretches, transition into wide-leg posture pose with arms to T to work your legs, core, arms, and shoulders. Lunge 1, Lunge 2, knee bends, and single-leg calf raises will build your lower body strength and challenge your balance, while low lunge, inner thigh stretch, and a gentle hip release will stretch your hip flexors. The Scriptures and meditations will encourage you to persevere when you get distracted during prayer time and remind you that God is continually at work within you.
Holy Family School of Faith, 30 Days to Deeper Prayer. Volume 3, Day 15, Not so fast..
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Are you feeling anxious? Does your body feel tense? The soothing music, calming stretches, and encouraging meditations in Live! from Home: Release will melt your stress away. You'll begin this 38-minute Gentle workout lying on your back, focusing on your breath and the many blessings in your life. Slowly move into inner thigh stretch before rocking and rolling over any sore spots in your back and extending your arms and legs for a feel-good full-body stretch. Engage your core to roll up to a cross-legged seated position to warm up your back, sides, and chest. Come to hands and knees for arch and round and then reach one leg back at a time to stretch your hamstring and the front of each leg. You'll then perform a series of postures and exercises to stretch your sides, back, chest, inner thighs, hamstrings, and hips. As you lie back in reclined inner thigh stretch for the long hold, the Scriptures and meditations remind you to not be afraid and invite you to surrender yourself to Jesus and open your heart even more to Him.
Holy Family School of Faith, Daily Rosary Podcast for July 16, 2020.
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Proper form and alignment can be the difference between an okay workout and an excellent workout, or between an injury and a strong, healthy body. That's why we started our Back to Basics classes—to teach you proper form and alignment for fundamental Pietra Fitness postures. With cues and tips and reminders as to which muscles you are working, Betsy will guide you through this 38-minute Gentle workout, helping you perfect posture pose and high lunge. And that's not all. Calf raises, heel walks, and other exercises will challenge your balance and engage all your muscles. Light twists, bends, and folds will gently stretch your body, helping you sit and stand taller. The Scriptures and meditations will open your eyes to God's incredible love for you and invite you to allow Him into your heart even more.Whether you're new to Pietra Fitness or you've been doing Pietra Fitness for a while, you can benefit from our Back to Basic classes. Look for more of these workouts in our online studio or join us live on Friday.
Clare Schiller, Foundation 3 Pietra Fitness Instructor
Music from Keys of Peace by Francesca LaRosa (www.francescalarosa.com), The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Do you schedule active rest and recovery days into your exercise routine? Regular exercise is so good for the body—but so is stretching and allowing our bodies to recover from our normal workouts. Live! from Home: TLC is perfect for those days when your muscles are craving a little love. In this 42-minute Gentle class, you will slowly flow through breath work and light stretches that calm your mind and relax your entire body. The Scriptures and meditations, having a well-formed conscience, invite you to reflect on the manner in which you live each day. Whether you do this class first thing in the morning or to wind down before bed, you will feel renewed in mind, body, and soul—ready to do God's will.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
Music from Keys of Peace by Francesca LaRosa (www.francescalarosa.com), The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Relaxing stretches and soothing music are two ways to prepare your body for sleep. Experience both in Unwind, a 35-minute Gentle class that helps you wind down after the day and promotes a great night's rest. Through a combination of deep breathing, putting yourself in God's presence, and relaxing moves that relieve tension in your entire body, you'll be counting sheep in no time. The Scriptures and meditations will remind you that God loves you—yes you—and is constantly longing for you to draw closer to him.
Clare Schiller, Foundation 3 Pietra Fitness Instructor
Music from Keys of Peace by Francesca LaRosa (www.francescalarosa.com), The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

If you're looking for a Gentle class that lightly stretches and strengthens your muscles and gets your heart pumping, In Motion is for you. After warming up with deep breathing and calming moves to loosen up your neck, shoulders, chest, sides, and back, you will flow right into a series of standing forward folds and lunges to work and stretch your legs. Knee bends and calf raises engage your inner thighs and calves and challenge your balance. Transition down to hands and knees for leg lifts, modified side plank, and low lunge to work your glutes and abs and stretch your hip flexors. After a few low chest lifts and a seated forward fold, relax into inner thigh stretch for the long hold, targeting the connective tissue and fascia. Wind down from this feel good workout with knee hugs, gentle twists, and other relaxing stretches that will leave you feeling serene and posed to take on the day. The Scriptures and meditations in this 35-minute class will help you focus on God's incredible mercy and invite you to reflect on ways you can be a living reflection of God's mercy to others.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
Music from Keys of Peace by Francesca LaRosa (www.francescalarosa.com), The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Rise and shine and give God your glory, glory! This 40-minute gentle class will guide you through poses on your back, seated, kneeling prone and supine. You will start class on your back and work up to seated to warm up the spine in all directions. In kneeling, you will work a little harder in Kneeling Leg Extension and then modified Side Plank with leg lifts. In prone you will strengthen the back with Chest Lifts, then back to seated for forward folds and hip stretches. The Scripture and meditations will help you to focus on the fact that the Holy Spirit is working as much in us today as in the apostles on the day of Pentecost.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
Breeze, Overcome, How Can I Keep from Singing, Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven in Keys of Peace by Francesca LaRosa (www.francescalarosa.com), Offertory: Domine Jesu Christe by The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

The focus of Peaceful & Prayerful is to calm the nervous system. When we slow down, stopping to smell the roses, our body, mind, and soul become integrated in the present moment. This allows us to be mindful of God's presence and His blessings. Jessica, with her tranquil voice and demeanor, will lead you through seated, kneeling, prone and supine poses with movements that are slow and intentional. The breath remains calm and serene. The Scripture and meditations will help you to focus on the many blessings God has given you, and you will finish class feeling reposed and at peace.
A Soldier's Prayer
Dum transisset, Chris Mueller (www.benesonarium.com) for mp3s: https://arsmueller.hearnow.com/. for cds: http://www.benesonarium.com/ars-mueller/

Looking for a slow-paced workout with soothing music, gentle stretches, and ways to modify each posture to fit your skill level and flexibility? Your Rhythm has all that and more. You will begin this very gentle 28-minute class sitting comfortably on your mat, focusing on your breath and calling to mind the things you are grateful for. Warm up with easy twists, forward folds, shoulder rolls, and a triceps stretch to loosen up your spine, stretch your hips and back, open up your chest, and release tension in your neck and shoulders. Roll up to hands and knees to work your spine, stretch hamstrings, and challenge your balance. Come back to seated for feel-good stretches for your inner thighs, lower back, ankles, and feet. Slowly flow to standing to work your core, obliques, and calves. Spend a few breaths in Lunge 2, strengthening your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, before returning back down to your mat for the long hold and winddown. The Scriptures and meditations remind you that you are a beloved child of God and invite you to contemplate this incredible gift.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
De Profundis, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (stmichaelsabbey.com)

Do you have poor posture, tightness or soreness in your lower back or hips, or pain in your neck or glutes? Tight hip flexors may be the source of your discomfort—and Lent: Hip Strengthener can provide relief. Your hip flexors allow you to move (or flex) your leg or knee up toward your torso, as well as bend your torso forward at your hip. If you sit for long periods of time or run a lot, some of the muscles in your hip flexors tend to shorten and become restricted. Exercises that stretch and strengthen not only your hip flexors but also your back, glutes, and core are essential for loosening your muscles, increasing your range of motion, improving your posture, and preventing injuries. That's why this 25-minute workout includes leg lifts, back-bends, low lunges, hip rolls, bends and twists, hip releases, and inner thigh stretches. As with all Pietra Fitness classes, this Gentle workout will also calm your mind and nervous system with deep breathing, and it will enrich your soul with Scriptures and meditations that invite you to reflect on the manner in which you carry the little crosses that come your way each day.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez, (Scepter Press)
Lush Meadows, Heart and Soul by Stanton Lanier, Dum Fabricator, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (stmichaelsabbey.com)

Have you ever wondered what happens to emotions that we try to repress? Very often, those unwanted feelings get stored in our bodies. This 20-minute Gentle class will not only help you release built-up stress in your shoulders, back, and hips, but also calm your mind. You will begin Theology of the Body: Stress Relief lying on your back, working on your breath and focusing on the blessings in your life. As you slowly move through the class, you will perform exercises on the mat that gently stretch and strengthen all the muscles in your body. To work a little harder, keep your core contracted and really engage your muscles as your work. The Scriptures and meditation paint a beautiful picture of God's plan of spousal unity and its relationship to the Trinity.Like this class? You will love the other videos in the Theology of the Body Series. Experience them all with 21 Days to Greatness, a 3-week plan that will help you become all God created you to be.
Based on St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body
Composed by Jennifer Dirkes, www.jenniferdirkes.com; Anima mea Antiphon, Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Is your posture suffering from long hours hunched over at a desk? Love Your Body has the stretching and strengthening moves that will not only open up your chest to counteract rounded shoulders but also rejuvenate your entire being. Your body is a gift, and when you take time to nourish your body with the exercises in this class, you will feel better and move better. The Scriptures and mediations in this 32-minute workout invite you to open your heart to God, who is the source of strength, joy, peace, and love.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
Dominabitur-Gradual Feast of Christ the King, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

If you have limited range of motion or physical disabilities or are looking for safe movements to do while rehabbing an injury, Limitless is the class for you. You will spend the first fifteen minutes of this gentle workout seated in a chair while stretching everything from your toes and ankles to your shoulders and neck. (Keep your core and glutes engaged during these stretches to work a little harder.) After loosening up your body, Tekla will take you through slow strengthening exercises that can be modified by using the chair for balance. The postures in this 38-minute class are so good for your body—and the Scriptures and meditations on the power of forgiveness are beneficial to your soul. Limitless will revitalize your entire being by helping you focus on the things you can do despite your limitations and by encouraging you to let go of any bitterness so you can be filled with happiness and peace.
Based on quotes from Joshua Liebman, Katherine Ponder, Lewis B. Smedes, Bryant H. McGill, and Robert Mueller
Prose-Dies Irae, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Sitting at a desk, in front of a computer, or in the car for extended periods of time day after day can cause the muscles and tendons in your back and hips to become tight and sore. Sedentary Rx is a soothing remedy. By targeting these tense areas, this 42-minute workout will not only open up your back, neck, shoulders, chest, hips, and inner thighs but also make them stronger. The Scriptures and meditations on St. Joseph, Jesus' earthly father, invite you to reflect on ways that you can imitate St. Joseph's great faith, courage, and humility in your own life.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)

Join Tara in sunny Florida for this calming beachside workout. You will begin Boundless Beauty in a comfortable cross-legged seated position, engaging your core while focusing on your breath and drawing yourself into the present moment. Through a flow of stretches, gentle twists, modified push ups, chestlifts, squats, and more, you will engage every muscle in your body while recognizing that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures and meditations will help you appreciate the beauty that is all around you and invite you to be a bearer of beauty to the world. By the end of the 36-minute class, you will feel strong, confident, and relaxed. NOTE: At times it may be hard to hear Tara because of the ocean waves.
Based on "Gazing at the Beauty of the Lord," Thomas Dubay

Whether you enjoy Gentle, Level 1, or Level II Pietra Fitness classes, Advent: Peace 101 can benefit you, especially if you are familiar with ways to modify poses for your body. This balanced 30-minute class will have you constantly flowing through the strengthening exercises and poses, building heat and hitting every major muscle group. Since the Scriptures and meditations invite you to reflect on filling your heart with peace during Advent, this is a great workout to do in the weeks leading up to Christmas—or anytime you want to foster more peace in your life.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)

Wind down at the end of the day with Night Prayers. The slow, soothing moves and brief daily examen in this class will help you release any physical, emotional, and mental tension and stress you may have been carrying with you throughout the day—filling your body and soul with a sense of peace. By the end of this 25-minute class, your entire being will feel relaxed and prepared for a restful night sleep in God's loving care.
Dawn and Dusk Take Turns Calling, Stanton Lanier; Ave Maria, Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles

Take a step back from the physical, mental, and emotional demands of your everyday life with Restore Your Temple. Beginning with the peaceful pace, movements, and music in the warm-up, this 50-minute restorative workout will help you reduce stress, calm your mind, and relax your body. The Scriptures and meditation will remind you that you are a temple of the Holy Spirit and invite you to ask Jesus to restore any areas of your being that are in need of repair. Whether you are a new to Pietra Fitness or a long-time practitioner, the floor work, standing exercises, and slow transitions in Restore Your Temple will gently improve your strength, flexibility, and balance.

Don't have a lot of time in the morning? This short 18-minute class is a quick way to prepare your body, mind, and soul for the day through exercise and prayer. You will begin Sunrise Stretch in a cross-legged seated position, working on your breath and thanking God for the gift of today. Through a series of twists, side bends, arm circles, and more, you will loosen up your neck, shoulders, back, and hips. By the end of the workout, you will feel accomplished and ready to take on the day with God in your heart.
This Very Moment, Stanton Lanier; Introit Requiem, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Lower your current stress level and learn five ways to manage your everyday worries and anxieties with Let Go, Let God. As you progress through this peaceful 23-minute class, deep breathing and gentle stretches will help you release tension in your neck, shoulders, back, and hips. Although subtle, the strengthening movements in this workout target the muscles in your back, core, and quads. The Scriptures and meditations will help you place your trust in God and focus on the present moment.
Based on content from Dynamic Catholic
Peace, Stanton Lanier; Agnus Dei, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

When your back muscles are tight or weak, everyday movements can be difficult and painful. Increase your range of motion and safely stretch and strengthen not only your back but also your shoulders with Back BeneFIT. This 30-minute class is done entirely on the floor and incorporates a series of twists, bends, chest openers, forward folds, and other gentle movements that benefit your entire core. The Scriptures and meditations remind you that God always has your back—He will never let you down when you place your hope and confidence in Him alone.
Sanctus, The Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey