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Stress, hunching over a smartphone, sitting at a desk, and sitting in front of the TV can all be reasons someone may have issues in their neck, upper back, and shoulders. Having a consistent routine of stretching and strengthening those areas may help. Join Fiona as she leads you through a gentle routine that will leave you feeling relaxed and loose. The meditation will have you contemplating prayer in times of great suffering.
Jocelyne Degroot, Pietra Fitness Instructor
Strong, flexible muscles are the best way to keep knees healthy and prevent injury. Join Fiona as she leads you through a series of exercises that will stretch and strengthen your legs, glutes, and hips. The meditation will have you contemplating purification through suffering.
Jocelyn Degroot, Pietra Fitness Instructor
A strong core can stabilize your spine, keeping your back healthy and making movement easier and more fluid. Allison uses a wide variety of exercises that engage the muscles that stabilize your spine, which will help improve posture and core stability. As you work on this class and get stronger, you will likely be on your way to moving with less pain and more core strength. The meditation will have you thinking about how God had you in mind from the beginning.
Excerpt from School of Faith Daily Rosary, Omniscience and Human Freedom
This class is all about circles – circling the legs and arms, working the joints while still hitting all major muscle groups. A step up from the gentle class of the same name, it is sure to leave you feeling energized and ready for your day! The meditation will have you contemplating Psalm 62.
Excerpt from Sarah Christmyer, Lord Make Haste to Help Me
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichabbey.com)
If you struggle with tight hips and want to increase hip mobility and stability, this class is for you. Lori incorporates exercises that specifically work on all areas of the hips, including the glutes. You will be amazed at the results! The meditation will have you thinking about Simplicity: and Others.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)
A plank is a full-body workout that strengthens and tones your core, glutes, arms, and legs and helps to build a solid foundation for any full-body workout. And the best part is that it requires no extra equipment, relying totally on your own body weight. The meditation will have you thinking about the Simplicity of Jesus. Planks can be challenging and require that you use good form. Be sure to watch Simplicity: Planks INSTRUCTIONAL and Simplicity: Planks 2 and 3 Point Stability INSTRUCTIONAL before attempting the workout.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)
In the Simplicity: Planks video, Jhoe takes you through different planks to work your entire body. In this instructional video, she deconstructs the 2 and 3-point stability moves, helping you to have better form and to learn what muscles to engage. Watch this video before doing Simplicity: Planks or any time you would like to learn more about or perfect your planks. Also, look for Simplicty: Planks INSTRUCTIONAL for a further tutorial for the planks video.
In the Simplicity: Planks video, Jhoe takes you through different planks to work your entire body. In this instructional video, she deconstructs the planks, helping you to have better form and to learn what muscles to engage. She also teaches you how to incorporate pelvic floor work and how to modify. Watch this video before doing Simplicity: Planks or any time you would like to learn more about or perfect your planks. Also, look for Simplicty: Planks 2 and 3 Point Stability INSTRUCTIONAL for a further tutorial for the planks video.
This 34-minute class is designed to tone your legs, glutes, and abs, help you get fitter, and help you in everyday movement and sports. It also helps maintain good balance and stability. No weights are necessary! The meditation will have you thinking about Simplicity and Prudence.
Excerpt from In Conversation with God, Francis Fernandez (Scepter Press)
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)