Level 2 Workout DVD

“For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.”-1 Cor. 6:20

Building upon the fundamental postures introduced in Level 1 classes, this 60-minute workout focuses on refining poses and building stamina.

The challenging sequences and transitions in this class will help you increase your muscle strength and control, flexibility, and balance.

While having a strong physique is highly regarded, the meditations are a good reminder that the pursuit of physical strength must be rightly ordered—for true strength is only found in God.

Note: A block (you can substitute a pillow) is used during a reclining pose at the end of the class. The block can also be used to modify poses throughout the workout.

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Building upon the fundamental postures introduced in Level 1 classes, this 60-minute workout focuses on refining poses and building stamina.
