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Level 2 Workout DVD

$ 19.99 USD
$ 19.99 USD
60-minute Level 2 Workout DVD focusing on refining poses and building stamina. Increases muscle strength, control, flexibility, and balance. Includes spiritual meditations and recommends a block for modifications.

The Pietra Fitness Level 2 Workout DVD is designed to elevate your fitness routine by building upon the fundamental postures introduced in Level 1 classes. This 60-minute workout focuses on refining poses and enhancing stamina through challenging sequences and transitions.

Key Features:

  • Advanced Workout: Builds on Level 1 fundamentals with more challenging sequences
  • Refined Poses: Focuses on refining postures to improve form and technique
  • Stamina Building: Helps increase muscle strength, control, flexibility, and balance
  • Spiritual Component: Meditations remind you that true strength is found in God, aligning with 1 Corinthians 6:20

Equipment Needed:

  • Block (or Pillow): Used during a reclining pose at the end of the class and can be used to modify poses throughout the workout


  • Physical: Enhances muscle strength, control, flexibility, and balance
  • Mental: Improves focus and mindfulness through intentional movement
  • Spiritual: Deepens your connection with God through scripture and meditation

This Level 2 DVD is perfect for those looking to progress from Level 1 classes or for anyone seeking a more challenging workout that engages both body and soul. The combination of physical challenges and spiritual reflection makes this a unique and rewarding fitness experience.

Ideal For:

  • Individuals transitioning from Level 1 to more advanced workouts
  • Those seeking a Christ-centered fitness routine
  • Anyone looking to improve overall strength and flexibility while nurturing their faith

By incorporating this Level 2 Workout DVD into your routine, you'll not only enhance your physical fitness but also deepen your spiritual well-being, creating a holistic approach to fitness that aligns with your faith.

Care Instructions

Level 2 Workout DVD

“For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.”-1 Cor. 6:20

Building upon the fundamental postures introduced in Level 1 classes, this 60-minute workout focuses on refining poses and building stamina.

The challenging sequences and transitions in this class will help you increase your muscle strength and control, flexibility, and balance.

While having a strong physique is highly regarded, the meditations are a good reminder that the pursuit of physical strength must be rightly ordered—for true strength is only found in God.

Note: A block (you can substitute a pillow) is used during a reclining pose at the end of the class. The block can also be used to modify poses throughout the workout.

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$ 19.99 USD
$ 19.99 USD
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Building upon the fundamental postures introduced in Level 1 classes, this 60-minute workout focuses on refining poses and building stamina.
