Betsy Hoyt
Betsy Hoyt is a Foundations 3 Pietra Fitness pro instructor, certified personal trainer, Precision Nutrition coach and macro specialist, creator of the “Integrated Catholic Woman” wellness retreats, and the team leader for the Pietra Fitness Instructor Training (P-FIT) sessions. She teaches Pietra Fitness classes in parishes in the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina, where she lives with her husband, Craig. Betsy owns an integrative personal training and nutrition coaching practice specifically geared toward helping women reach their health goals. Betsy finds her work with Pietra Fitness to be a wonderful fit for her clients and an important part of her own body-mind-soul wellness.
As a Catholic woman, wife, home school mother, and fitness professional, Betsy understands the seasons of life we move through. She believes God has a plan for all of us, while it is through the integration of mind, body, and soul that we will we be ready for whatever He has in store for each of us. Betsy believes that Pietra Fitness helps her participants, in the words of St. Augustine, “Take care of our bodies as if we were going to live forever and, take care of our souls as if we were going to die tomorrow.”
Betsy is certified to lead Gentle, Level 1, Level 2 and Chair classes.