Live from Home: From Plank to Strength

Jill Alt

Patron Saint: 
St. Joseph of Leonessa
Physical Focus: 
Class Length: 
15 - 30 min
Spiritual Focus: 
Light in the Darkness

Do you want greater strength but are short on time? In this 25-minute, level 2 class, Jill brings you the essentials of stretching and strengthening all of your major muscle groups. You may notice a focus on plank pose throughout the workout. Did you know that, when held properly, plank pose is one of the best exercises to increase core strength? In addition to helping build solid abs, plank pose strengthens and tones the arms, shoulders, upper back, chest, and thighs, while stretching the calves and arches of feet. The plank and forearm plank poses are woven seamlessly into this workout amidst pike, lunge II, reverse lunge II, side reach, open arabesque, angle pose, and push-ups. After a forward fold and upward plank, you will relax into a reclined inner-thigh stretch for your long hold and listen to a beautiful meditation about Jesus as the Light of the world. The classical, stringed music is reminiscent of the peace, joy, and energy we feel in the presence of light--such as we might feel in the invigorating sunshine after many days of clouds. In quiet pose, you will have the opportunity to reflect on how you can let the light of Christ shine through you to the world.