On the Wall
Using a wall as a prop to help with the exercises in Pietra Fitness is a great way to explore some advanced poses while feeling stabilized and supported. In this series of 4 classes, Annie will use the wall to aid Open Arabesque, Handstand, Headstand, and more, so have an open wall ready. The Scripture used in each class is from Psalm 122:7, “Peace be within your walls, and security within your towers.”

Besides a mat, you will need an open wall for this class. In this 21-minute video, Annie uses the wall to help you open the chest and shoulders while in Lunge 1, as well as exploring good form in Angle and Open Arabesque. She throws in some flows with push-ups to make it more of an Advanced class. The class is concluded with legs up the wall, which is always relaxing yet rejuvenating. The meditation will have you focusing on peaceful stillness.
Annie Tinker, Foundation 3 Pro Certified Pietra Fitness Instructor
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Besides a mat, you will need an open wall for this class. Annie uses the warm up and workout to prepare you for headstands against the wall. You do not need to do the headstands to gain benefit. In fact, you may want to do this class many times before even attempting a headstand. The meditation will have you contemplating healthy boundaries in your life.
Annie Tinker, Foundation 3 Pro Pietra Fitness Instructor
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Besides a mat, you will need an open wall for this class. After warming up, you will go through a flow and then hold up the wall in High Lunge, use the wall in Extended Leg Reach, and then work on a Handstand Prep. The Long Hold feels amazing in Inner Thigh Stretch on the Wall. The meditation will have you pondering Jesus as the Gate.
Pope Francis, Angelus Message on the Gate of Faith, 2013
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)

Besides a mat, you will need an open wall for this class. Annie will lead you through exercises that will prepare you to work on a handstand against the wall. You do not need to do the handstand to benefit from the class, but it is nice to work on it. The meditation will have you focusing on inviting Jesus to protect your home.
Annie Tinker, Foundation 3 Pro Certified Pietra Fitness Instructor
The Nobertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey (www.stmichaelsabbey.com)