Images above that will be a lightbox (new feature) where they can click on any image on the page and see a larger view.
No items found.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Product Name

Product Price
Previous product Price (if a Sale)
Add a short description of the product
Free shipping on orders over $50 (Optional feature)
Satisfaction Guaranteed (Optional Feature)
30 Day Returns (Optional Feature)

Karen, note that because this concept is not yet on the product page itself, the buttons for checkout and options can't yet appear (Webflow restriction). But the add to cart and option buttons would appear here.

Return Policy or something like that
Optional, but we can have a FAQ about the policies
Shipping FAQ
We can pull these from the CMS for support, and just try to anticipate some questions.

A focused aspect of the product

If you want to highlight details of a given product, we can optionally have this section appear (e.g., close up images of the crucifix or mats or apparel).
No items found.
Detail #2

Another detail section

Again, optional, but giving more places on the product page to highlight aspects of the product. They'll be conditional so if you don't set the fields, these things won't appear.
Customer images

If we can get them, an optional section of real people wearing the product

No items found.

"Customer review if we can think about a way of customers reviewing products."

Happy Customer

"Customer review if we can think about a way of customers reviewing products."

Happy Customer

"Customer review if we can think about a way of customers reviewing products."

Happy Customer

"Customer review if we can think about a way of customers reviewing products."

Happy Customer